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Higher Education & Career Guidance

Higher Education & Career Guidance

Learning how to manage your choice of higher education and career is a lifelong process that needs to start early on in school. At SSVM® World School, our strong provision of careers and higher education advice is based on a combination of career professionals and on-campus events.

  • Speaker sessions by inspiring guest lecturers who are experts in their fields.
  • Visits from foreign and local university representatives and admissions tutors.
  • Overseas education trips to enrich students’ knowledge of their preferred courses.
  • On-going support from teachers, professional advisors, and successful alumni from SSVM institutions©.


Teachers will do their best to support the progression of our students and work with career counselors to open exciting learning opportunities. Our pupils from SSVM® World School will go on to a wide variety of university courses and careers spanning Medicine, Engineering, Law, and Sciences to Business as well as Fine Arts and Humanities. Here at SSVM® World School, we believe higher education and career guidance are at the heart of education and not an afterthought.